bucket list creator
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Alexustozer's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
Learn sign language Social
Road trip Travel
Go skydiving Sport
Get a tattoo Entertainment
Learn a new language Education
Go on a no budget shopping spree Fun
Learn to play guitar Skills
Take 100 selfies in 1 night with friends Bucket List
Have a friendship necklace Bucket List
Get so drunk i cant drink anymore Bucket List
Eat a hotdog at bens Bucket List
Potty train liam before age 2 Bucket List
Finish uni on deans list Bucket List
Live in a big city Bucket List
Buy a rescue dog Bucket List
Own my own accounting business Bucket List
Call a cab but dont actually take one Bucket List
See snoop dogg live Bucket List
Meet snoop dogg Bucket List
Throw a drink in someones face Bucket List
Make bad jokes in hopes to get a date Bucket List
Sing karaoke in a bar Bucket List
Own a trampoline Bucket List
Get nose pierced again Bucket List
Go to ireland Bucket List
Write a letter to myself and read it in 10 years Bucket List
Be in taylors wedding Bucket List
Go to disney land Bucket List
Grow old with someone Bucket List
Plant a tree Bucket List
Get in a Taxi and say "Follow That Car" Bucket List
Take photo in booth Bucket List
Drink 5 shots of vokda in a row Bucket List
Prank call gma drunk Bucket List
Have 3 kids Bucket List
Play pool and win Bucket List
Win the lotto Bucket List
Get married Relationships
Get engaged Relationships
Send a letter to a random address and see if they write back
Own a nice house

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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