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Elementalka's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
design my own home Creativity
dance all night Creativity
Help a stranger Social
Go to a spa day Well-being
Be proud of myself Well-being
Hike a mountain Well-being
Go one day without social media Well-being
Have a pamper day Well-being
Have an empty jar at the start of the year and fill it with notes of everything good that happens. Read them all on Jan 1st the following year Well-being
Have an empty jar at the start of the year and fill it with notes of everything good that happens. Read them all on Jan 1st the following year Well-being
Do something that terrifies you Well-being
Go to a spa day Well-being
Try yoga Well-being
Get a massage Well-being
Sit in a sauna Well-being
Go backpacking Travel
Buy a new car on my own Financial
Do something new every month Education
Have a photo shoot with friends Fun
Learn origami Fun
Go on a road trip Bucket List
Cross everything off my bucket list Bucket List
Watch sunrise Bucket List
go on a no-budget shopping spree Bucket List
Kiss in the rain Bucket List
Make Vodka gummy bears Bucket List
Win the lotto Bucket List
Sleep under the stars Bucket List
To have a complete Family Picture Relationships
make a scrap book
Catch a last minute flight to a random destination

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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