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Inolas_97's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
design my own home Creativity
Attend Tomorrowland Culture
Have a body that I can be proud of Well-being
Have an empty jar at the start of the year and fill it with notes of everything good that happens. Read them all on Jan 1st the following year Well-being
Get a dog Well-being
Ride The Bullet Train,Japan Travel
Go on a luxury cruise Travel
Go to Disney World Travel
go to an airport and buy tickets to a random place Travel
Study/live abroad Travel
Visit Maldives Travel
spend night at a beach Fun
Have a Professional Photo Shoot Bucket List
Have a Paint Fight Bucket List
Visit Niagra Falls Bucket List
Learn to drive Bucket List
Go on an Amazon Rainforest Expedition Bucket List
Experience zero gravity Bucket List
Fly in a helicopter Bucket List
Ice skate on a lake

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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