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Sarahrocks88's challenge list
Description Category Progress Due date
smores Entertainment
Bike Ride Fun
Bonfire Fun
Picnic Fun
Read a Book Fun
Paint a Gourd Bucket List
Hot Tub Bucket List
Bob for Apples Bucket List
Bake Sale Bucket List
Photography Bucket List
Give thanks Bucket List
Watch Football Bucket List
Hay Ride Bucket List
Soup Bucket List
Bake Pumpkin Bread Bucket List
Carve Pumpkins Bucket List
Nature Walks Bucket List
use cinnamon Bucket List
Cook a Turkey Bucket List
Hike Bucket List
Crisp morning jog Bucket List
enjoy a sunset Bucket List
Haunted House Bucket List
Farmers Market Bucket List
Board Games Bucket List
Stargazing Bucket List
Trick or Treat Bucket List
Rake leaves Bucket List
Crockpot Bucket List
LATTES Bucket List
Hot Cocoa Bucket List
Fall Festivals Bucket List
Black Friday Bucket List
Corn Maze
Pick Apples
Run a 5K
Watch a Sunrise
Bake Pies
Movie Night

Idea box and problem report - Web developer

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